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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Today I had to drive across town for a meeting. It was a last minute meeting set up last night.

I rarely drive through East Jackson but I did today. Michigan Ave. or the freeway? I took Michigan Avenue. Longer by about 5 minutes but prettier and quieter with the top down on the Jeep. I just took the top down yesterday after a rainstorm.

As I was driving I decided to take another road I seldom go down for a change of pace.

A half-mile down that road was a car stalled in the middle of the street.

Traffic was routed through a parking lot around a building to another side street.

On that side street was a lady leaning against a delivery van with two kids. As I drove by I asked if everything was okay. We could talk easy with the top down on the Jeep.

She said, "We're out of gas." Would you be willing to take my son to go by gas? I don't have a can but the gas station might have one if we give them a deposit to borrow it." My first thought was 1) I'd love to help. My second thought was 2) Wow. I must look trustworthy (* wink *)

I didn't know her but I thought she may have recognized me from the church. I introduced myself thinking she might say, "I know who you are." But she didn't.

I told her I'd be willing to take her son to buy gas. I introduced myself and told her I am a pastor at Westwinds across town.

I took her 13 year old son to buy gas. They didn't have a can to use so we had to buy one. We bought the boy and his sister a pop since they had been sitting in the sun.

After we put gas in the van, she told me they are looking for a church and asked what our service times are on Sunday. She told me she was going through a divorce and would love to find a place for her kids to feel comfortable. She told me she would see me Sunday.

When these little detours happen in life, I am reminded that God gives us freewill to make choices but he also orchestrates situations for us to cross new paths and meet new people outside of our routine. Those little detours are often written off as "coincidence." I choose to think differently.

  • last minute meeting
  • new part of town
  • different street
  • traffic routed differently from stalled vehicle
  • through a parking lot to a side street
  • a conversation with a stranded motorist made easy by a convertible
You be the judge.

Instead of "coincidence" I like to think of these detours as God-incidents.

This detour was pretty obvious to me. However, I wonder how many detours I have all the time without thinking twice? Do I get mad in those times? Frustrated? Sometimes those emotions seem inevitable. But what I really want is a perspective that takes stock of all the detours and says, "Ok, God. Who am I supposed to meet today?"

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