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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

What Do We Fight For?

Had an email convo with a friend today. He asked me what mountains I am willing to die on at Westwinds. My response was lengthy but I can also boil it down to these things:

We fight for the Jesus stuff
We fight for the church worldwide
We fight for invention
We fight for non-complacency
We fight to dream
We fight to heal
We fight to participate with our people and our city
We fight for imagination
We fight to be permission giving
We fight for real, no BS community
We fight for accountability
We fight for Jackson
We fight for our people
We fight for the idea of what we can be
We fight for non- religiosity
We fight to create
We fight for authenticity (the real meaning of ethos)
We fight for our individuality
We fight for justice
We fight for the freedom to listen to God’s leading and try new things
We fight to hold it all loosely
We fight to not fight
We fight for the idea and the ideal of Westwinds.

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