Hello, everyone. This blog has moved to JOHNVOELZ.COM!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Today I am in my 30’s (for 20 more minutes, but technically, since I was born in California, I have 3:20 to go). Tomorrow I am not in my 30’s.

So, to celebrate this milestone, I painted this evening. I poured a scotch, I lit some candles, I fired up the iPod, I opened the windows, and I painted.

Today’s painting is about youth. And the circle of life. And shared soundtracks. And fathers and sons. And passing the baton. And friendship. And celebrating the moment.

A handful of people joined me during this painting process as I broadcast the event live on Mogulus this evening. It was great to have cyber friends in the room.

Here are a few pic’s. That is all. Peace.

To see more art . . . enter.


Paul J. said...

Happy Birthday, JVo.
Welcome to the 40's. Despite what you may have heard, they don't suck.

ScottyH said...

Happy Birthday.
Nothing is different, you are still the same you. 40 doesn't change you unless you allow it. (but watch out for 41!)