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Monday, February 11, 2008

Lost no More

Over three years ago, when we made the move to the Midwest, a television phenomenon was unleashing.

The buzz surrounding the new series premier of a show called “Lost” was very tempting to give in to on September 22, 2004 but we were in the drama of the biggest move we have ever made. Soon after the series began all my friends were talking about it.

I kept putting my fingers in my ears and refused to listen to any plotline or ramblings. I successfully ignored the series for three seasons because I knew, one day when the time was right; I would be able to start the series on DVD.

This Christmas, I received a few gift cards for Best Buy—my favorite store in the world. As I perused the aisles of DVD’s looking for movies on sale, they jumped out at me—the first three seasons of Lost.

On January 3rd, 2008 my son Connor and I unwrapped the first season DVD’s and began our journey.

40 days and 71 episodes later our “Lost” fast ended. We are no longer in the dark. 3, 195 minutes. Approximately 53.25 hours (without commercials).

Totally caught up.

Connor and I are so excited. And, at the same time, a little sad. It has been a great bonding experience for us.

This is the greatest way to watch a television series. Period. Sometimes we watched upwards of 7 episodes back to back. And, when we were left hanging and couldn’t take the suspense . . . all we had to do was put in the next DVD.

On the other hand now that we are all caught up . . . the suspense is freaking killing me. What the heck did we get in to? This is the best freaking show of all time! Now we have to wait until next week! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!