Each year, Westwinds designates a portion of our mission spending to local missional efforts. In order to foster creativity and dreaming for our community, each major "department" of Westwinds gets money each quarter to invent a new way to reach the community.
We call it "Beyond 1000 Missions" (beyond 1000 Robinson Road, our church address).
Some of our great ideas have included the youth buying and fixing up cars for needy families, the children purchasing Nintendo Wii's for the old folks' homes and going to play games with them, the Ap(art) event we just held where artists created art for 24 hours straight, sold it, and donated money for art scholarships, etc.
This December, the Experience arena is launching 12 Days of Christmas Parties
• 12 households host
• 12 parties on
• 12 possible nights in
• 12 different parts of the city
In order to love on people in Jackson, Westwinds is helping 12 households throw Christmas parties for their neighbors. All parties are specifically designed for your block/neighborhood—not for family and friends (although friends are encouraged to help friends throw killer parties).
Westwinds is helping out by providing a party planning package complete with
- plates
- utensils
- napkins
- possible menu choices
- a price list for all menu choices
- 3 different menu collaborations under $125
- 12 ideas to make your party a success
- a Westwinds Christmas CD
- invitations and envelopes
- a gift card to Meijer (grocery store) in the amount of $125.00 in order to purchase food.