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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Twitter Church : : : Word Gets Around

Vacation has been great. I haven’t “unplugged” but I have certainly taken longer breaks between 2.0 exposure and the iPhone.

One of the things that have kept me coming back to my computer has been the massive response to my blog posts on Twitter Church. I have followed links to blogs that have linked backed to my posts. I have read the banter. I have read the responses. I have read the comments and the emails.

Most of the blogs have said wonderful things about Twitter Church experiments at Westwinds. On the other hand, I think it’s hilarious how some bloggers must have never heard of “Google Alerts” and either didn’t think I would find out about their post or they don’t care that I read it—either way, some folks haven’t been all that nice. I DO know about Google Alerts so I will reserve the name calling I have for some of them for the conversation I am having in my head.

The “Twitter Church” post—in and of itself—generated quite a few links to other blogs and the subsequent posts generated quite a few as well. If you are interested in reading a few of the responses click here.

I also received a tip that Twitter Church was being talked about at PodCamp Ohio and listened to on of the podcasts. Check it out!

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