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Monday, April 28, 2008

This Post is Not Very PC

My buddy Noel pointed me to this pic via Twitter and I just about peed laughing.

This picture is a wonderful visual description of why I can never have an intelligent conversation about design or art and use "PC" in the same sentence. If you are looking at the picture and don't understand what I mean, we are already at an impasse.

We spend a lot of time on graphic design, maintaining brand identity, art, etc. here at Westwinds and with my company Popnovella. Ever since I can remember, in my previous church experience as well, there has been a "why do you guys need Mac's?" conversation that is exhausting. I try to explain to these wonderful people why Mac makes sense for artists/musicians/graphic designers and . . . I end up wanting to beat my own head with the car door.

From now on, when anyone asks me why I use Mac I will show them this picture. Their response will determine if I have the energy to go any further.

Today I got my iPhone. Some say my love for all things Mac will only turn me into a snob. I say, you are wrong and you don't know anything (psssss. that was supposed to be funny).

There are two kinds of people in this world. PC people and Mac people. You can't be both. You can use both under duress or through a series of unfortunate events and circumstances but you cannot "be" both.

There are a million usability reasons to like Mac over PC. But, this post is about design.

I will admit it. I am a sold-out Mac person (Macker) and I will admit at least 51% is about design--not all, but mostly. Just look at the stuff. The packaging. The shape. The colors. The brand. The consistency. I get excited about a Mac box.

I will not apologize for this. We live in a new world. The world has changed exponentially in the last ten years as opposed to the change in the 100 years before it. I want my world designed well. Does it make me shallow? No. It makes me happier.

I prefer blue led dashlights over any other color and it will persuade me in buying a vehicle. I won't lie.

I love reading the internet banter on Mac vs. PC. One site I visited today (warning: language may be offensive to some) had me falling out of my chair laughing. And, it was making fun of me. Here is a quote from the site : : :

Stupid user base aside, I will never own a Mac. It's not so much that I'm a PC loyalist. I'm not. It's that I'm not stylish enough to own one. Most iPod commercials feature guys with long hair, chicks roller skating, and guys wearing fedoras. I have dandruff, and I buy most of my jeans from a grocery store. I feel like in order to have a Mac, I need to be:

• An artist.
• In a band.
• Unemployed

After the recent Apple conference, Mac fans were elated. One person was quoted as saying "I've had a Macintosh now for a total of 35 days, and I'm really excited to be part of the Mac community." Part of the Mac community? It's a computer, not a social movement, (@$$%o!#!) I feel like Apple is not just selling computers, they're selling a way of life, and I'm not ready to be that heavily invested in a product.
There is a lot this site pokes fun at that, quite frankly, I agree with and don't apologize for.

Thanks for the pic Noel. It obviously pushed a button for me.

Oh, and I would be terribly amiss if I didn't give a HUGE shout-out and a "hey, check this guy's blog and such out" link to the man who hooked me up with a killer iPhone deal--Mr. Patrick Murphy of New York. Don't call Patrick for an iPhone hookup for yourself. he can't do it and I am pretty sure there was some illegal activity involved in mine. Patrick, you complete me. Or, at least the iPhone did.

Check this vid out : : :


Unknown said...

I have read this post and I enjoyed it. All of this to say that this is my only comment...

no love on the love...I will have to resume our friendship later on when my feelings are not so hurt.

John said...

Patrick : : : check out the post NOW. I have added something to stroke your pride. I have been guilted into submission. No, it is conviction. Read the NEW ending of my post.