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Monday, March 24, 2008

Life is a Musical

My son Connor and I are always breaking out into spontaneous song and singing about everyday situations. Usually in opera form. We laugh our heads off. Most people love it and think we're funny (especially us) . . . except for some people who live in our home and get annoyed by it constantly which is understandable (kinda).

Try turning an argument into a musical sometime and see what happens. Not everyone finds it as funny as me.

Then, my friend Noel turned me on to this site and the group called Improv Everywhere. My life is now complete. I may have to change my career and join up with these folks.

Visit their website and watch the video below for starters.

Their "about" section on the site says, "Improv Everywhere causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has executed over 70 missions involving thousands of undercover agents. The group is based in New York City."

Life is a musical, people.